



Deliverable #236


Three government personnel projects within the ORE

Added by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)

Description Three government personnel projects within the ORE. These projects will be the result of business analysis and prioritized by the Government as the highest three in priority.


ORE automation 20230217.pdf (471 KB) ORE automation 20230217.pdf Jacob Halle, 07/25/2023 07:52 PM
NSO MDD Docker screenshot.png (202 KB) NSO MDD Docker screenshot.png Jacob Halle, 07/25/2023 07:53 PM

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #204: Implement up to three government personnel projects in OREClosed03/28/202308/02/2023

Actions #1

Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Deliverable
Actions #2

Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Oscar Robertson over 1 year ago

Can we identify the 3 personnel projects and/or help us determine what is meant by the 3 personnel projects as part of this requirement?

Actions #4

Updated by Jacob Halle over 1 year ago

This deliverable is related to Task #204. I am copying here our response to your question on that task on May 8.

We are currently working testing effort with Bill Huggins, but there is 1 more needed.

1) In relation to Knowledge Management:
We have synced the CISCO NSO vendor repository. But there have been some conversations for other knowledge management repositories for syncing (e.g. NDMS hosted by Leidos) to support decommissioning. ORE pointing to CUI object store with advanced cloud native solutions of bring your own encryption key and HSPD12 PIV compliant can now support storing this content for the Gov.

2) We have a follow up with Bill concerning automated testing because right now software testing is done manually. We're obtaining his current process documentation to see where we can implement automation. In addition, the team reviewed NDP SDN test plan and provided feedback which was manually intensive and did not adhere to software defined principles of repeatability.

Per PWS there is one more Gov directed (totaling 3) effort that we can execute once Gov/PEO identifies what that effort is. We can provide input if required on areas that ORE can provide value for these efforts

Actions #5

Updated by Jacob Halle over 1 year ago

See attached screenshots for examples of services for project 1 and 2.
For project 3, NDMS integration:
-Team shared phase plan with Leidos
-System is provisioned and ready to ingest NDMS data
-System is already integrated with CISCO ecosystem (NSO) which is the foundation of identified target future state

So, the ORE is prepared to manage NDMS data once a final decision has been made on backup/replacement.

Therefore, the deliverable on this project from 2 Twelve is complete.


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