



Task #195


Develop User onboarding - account creation, deletion and modification of users and content

Added by Doug Fraser over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


3.3.24 Provide scripting to interface with the ORE for automating business processes to enable account creation, deletion and modification of users and content


ORE Onboarding Workflow slides.pdf (2.18 MB) ORE Onboarding Workflow slides.pdf Jacob Halle, 07/25/2023 05:27 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Doug Fraser over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #2

Updated by Christina LaRussa-Martin about 2 years ago

On 1/30/23, Brandon Hunley and Christina met with the Platform Application Services (PAS) Lead APM-E (Danielle Obuchon and Curt Parker (NIS). We discussed the best way forward. The recommendation is to follow the same account request path that other applications are using:

from the Digital Marketplace site (in Service Now), users can select various applications for which they want access. ORE could be listed there. A user could click on ORE and get a high level description of what type of information is included. A request form would be available from the site. The users' information would automatically be populated in the request based on the CAC. There would be a field for "provide justification for access request" and an option for "role". Today, I believe the ORE has a view for Engineers and another for Non-Engineers. Is there also a view (or permission level) for Administrator?

That request would be routed to the person/team authorized to approve access (which we need to discuss). Once the approver "approves" the account is automatically created.

Danielle sent an introduction email for Brandon and I to the ServiceNow development team. I will set up a meeting with them and 2Twelve to further discuss the governance model.
I believe there are cyber security policies that specify how often a user must log into an application in order to keep an account active.

Actions #3

Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago

Had meeting w/government, will establish another meeting to further discuss details of services and workflows configured for ORE to leverage user onboarding. Brandon Hunley is taking the lead to leverage efforts already conducted by SANDE team to see possibilities. 2 Twelve will stand by and continue with current processes until government provides direction for existing workflow.

Actions #4

Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Task
Actions #5

Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago

  • Due date changed from 03/28/2023 to 08/02/2023
Actions #6

Updated by Jacob Halle over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 100

Jacob to upload file and close task.

Actions #7

Updated by Jacob Halle over 1 year ago

This deliverable is complete. See attachment with Onboarding workflow slides.


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