


NDP ORE walkthrough wPeter Labbe » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Jacob Halle, 02/07/2023 07:19 PM) → Revision 3/5 (Jacob Halle, 02/07/2023 07:24 PM)

h1. NDP ORE walkthrough wlakthrough wPeter Labbe 

 Chat Box Transcript: 
 Lanti, we (2Twelve, NIWC) met with NIS team.    A future goal is to integrate NIS into ORE.    However, NIS is not ready to focus on that effort.    They are focused on N-ERP and then FS Integration. 
 You1:18 PM 
 Thanh- Please do the Demo for Mr. Labbe. 
 Lanti can work with Gov to get our pws if he has scope 
 we can take design questions of architecture via proper channel through Tom. THanks 
 Christina Martin1:27 PM 
 From a PEO perspective, we need to understand what documentation goes where.    We have trained the enterprise to use TEAMS for collaboration.    ORE also has that capability 
 We have official docs in RAM (moving to Service Now!) and docs can be stored in ORE. 
 You1:28 PM 
 I believe this is the digital engineering that requires Gov direction on RAM content as part of the simulation 
 Christina Martin1:28 PM 
 So, I'm hoping the KM team for PEO Digital is working on some guidance for what docs go where and the expectation for access.    Will everyone go to the ORE to pull infomration stored in all those places as the One Stop Shop 
 It's not just about RAM. That is only one application already scheduled to migrate to SErviceNow! 
 You1:29 PM 
 I will capture this as an action in the gant for Gov direction and processes we can include as part of the use case 
 Thank you Christina 

 Other Notes:  
 2 Twelve went through the demo, showed how to login, differentiated between user types. Also explained purpose and mechanism of storage.  
 SHowed the Agile development app with the Gantt chart showing progress on the ORE. 
 Showed the orchestrated apps page (ex SCM, Secrets, etc.) and how to add/remove orchestrated apps.