Task #130
closedTask #132: Unfunded and Not within Scope of Task Order 1 (Triton Platform- specs provided in OTA)
Simulation 8 - Integration with MBSE system
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Integration with Navy MBSE system of systems
require API endpoints
Updated by Doug Fraser over 2 years ago
- Assignee set to Tom Eden
This is potential integration of the ORE to the MBSE system for Navy Engineering. this was not identifiied or funded in the initial task order as discussed during kickoff brief with government stakeholders. graphic attached shows the analysis and viable integration points and overall architecture via API to the governments selected MBSE system.
Updated by Doug Fraser over 2 years ago
- Project changed from Simulation Activities to 4
Updated by Jacob Halle almost 2 years ago
- Due date changed from 06/01/2023 to 08/02/2023